
Successful Customer Buildings

About us

Pioneers of Residential Design and Construction

At Veritas Liberte Developers, we believe that every house is more than just bricks and mortar; it’s a canvas for dreams and a testament to timeless design. With a passion for innovation and unwavering commitment to quality, we take pride in crafting homes that stand as symbols of architectural excellence and refined living. Our journey is one of transforming visions into reality, as we embrace the art of construction to create spaces that resonate with the essence of life.

Why choose us

We work to an extremely high standard of customer satisfaction

Full service

Not sure where to start? Let us help. We can handle all aspects of your house rebuild, from removing the old countertops.

Deliver Value

Value holds different meanings for different people. We are committed to consistently delivering optimal value to each and every client.


Across all facets of our business, we consider our stakeholders as partners in our fundamental mission to create exquisite homes.


Relationships drive business forward, and our integrity forms the bedrock of our connections. Our coworkers, dealers, and clients all experience our unwavering commitment to honesty and professionalism.

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Ensuring a safe experience from design to build

We’re diligently following all protocols to ensure your safety. Additionally, vaccination drives are underway to prepare our employees for safe interactions when meeting with you.

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Explore our house designs

Discover completed homes belonging to a selection of our customers, and witness how they turned their dream houses into reality. Gain inspiration for your own project as you explore these showcases.

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